Salad Eggs with Smoked Salmon, Black Beans and Salsa

The Moreland Farmer’s Market is in full swing! I walked there yesterday with one of my ladies and we scored Columbia river smoked salmon, two types of salsa from my favorite salsa guy Randall, and fresh salad greens from Abundant Fields Farm. What I like about salad greens from the market is they last much longer than what you get at the grocery store and the taste can’t be beat. We also sampled sausages from Olympia provisions and yummy rosemary hazelnut cookies from Jeff at Aumbites. Speaking of Hazelnuts, David the shell guy told us how Turkey yielded a smaller crop of nuts last year, and this has made Oregon hazelnuts much more in demand. Who knew they grew hazelnuts in Turkey?  If you have not yet been to our farmers market be sure to check it out next Wednesday afternoon.

Using ingredients from the market, plus fresh eggs from Homestead Supply and some leftover black beans I had on hand I made what I call “salad eggs” for breakfast.

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Most days I shoot for protein and veggies before noon. Occasionally if I am running out the door my breakfast may be a piece of toast and almond butter, or a smoothie, but 9 times out of 10 it is veggies ‘n eggs. Studies show that those who regularly eat a healthy breakfast are better able to maintain a healthy weight.

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Using leftover black beans (I had cooked dried beans with onions, garlic and spices in the crock pot over the weekend) I was able to quickly assemble my breakfast this morning in about the time it took to brew my coffee. I scrambled eggs with the salmon, tossed them over a bed of greens, topped them with beans and salsa. Healthy, high protein, fast, easy and delicious! What are your favorite quick and easy breakfast ideas? Share them in the comments below…

Anne McCranie is a Portland (Sellwood) Oregon based Personal Trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist. She loves to talk food, and shares these ideas to pique your interest in healthy eating. Anne’s idea of a “healthy diet” is high quality protein, whole foods including lots of fruits and veggies, and minimally processed ingredients. Please see your medical professional for specific dietary advice.

Three Tips For Healthy Eating On the Road

What are your travel plans this month? Did you know that you can easily put together a healthy meal from the grocery store in the time it would take you grab a bag of burgers at the drive through?

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Healthy eating while on the road is something most of my clients struggle with. I advise them to identify and anticipate things that may derail their healthy habits, then have a backup plan or two in mind so they can handle these surprises with grace.

Swim lessons lasted longer than you expected and you now are dealing with grumpy kids? Headed to the mountain or the coast and the only options you passed were fast food joints? No worries Anne has you covered. Find a grocery store and remember these tips and you will be enjoying a healthy nutritious meal in no time.

I suggest you shop the perimeter of the store working your way through produce, then the bulk bins, then the deli/ salad bar. Beware the displays and center aisles. When you are hungry your willpower and good intentions will be no match for that giant bag of chips or cookies.

Remember if it has a commercial or a jingle it is probably not something you should put in your mouth.

1) Start With Produce

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Load your cart with fresh fruit and veggies. Grab a head of lettuce, a bag of baby carrots, a few cukes, apples, bananas, pears, peaches, apricots, cherry tomatoes, blueberries.

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Bonus points for keeping a knife, jug of water to rinse your produce, and a cooler in your trunk. If you do not have these ask the produce person nicely and they may rinse your veggies for you. Find cutlery in the deli to slice veggies.


2) Hit the bulk bins

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Heart healthy almonds, walnuts cashews and sunflower seeds provide good fats, protein, and energy to keep you going.

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Want something sweet? Avoid pre-made trail mix as it can often be loaded with sugar and stick to dried fruits like dates, cranberries, and raisins.

3) Head To The Salad Bar/ Deli

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Remember those cukes you threw in your basket? They would go nicely with some all natural hummus or salsa. Look for pre-sliced cheeses and deli meats to make a lettuce wrap.

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If you only have time to grab and go, pick up a pre-made salad like this Asian quinoa salad from New Seasons. I often stop at their salad bar for lunch and for under $8 I can put together a huge salad with greens, peppers, cottage cheese, fresh ginger and garlic, pineapple, pickled veggies, ham or turkey, and a sprinkle of parm that keeps me full all afternoon.

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What are your favorite tips for eating healthy on the road? Let me know by commenting below…

Anne McCranie is a Portland (Sellwood), Oregon based Personal Trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist. She offers these tips to help you reach your fitness goals. Please see your medical professional for specific dietary advice.

Want Anne to show you how to navigate the grocery store with ease? Call her today to schedule your appointment. Learn about meal planning, the importance of making and sticking to a list, and healthy eating on a budget. She loves to talk about food and share new recipes.

(503) 705-4762

‘Keys To Digestion’ Workshop This Sunday With Shawn And Minga From Metta River Integrated Wellness

Confused about what defines a “healthy diet”?

Want to learn more about the role digestion plays in your health and wellness picture? Join Nutritional Therapist Shawn Kinsella and Yoga Therapist Minga Lily for an afternoon of movement, education and food! Minga starts the afternoon off with a relaxing therapeutic movement session. Shawn will then educate us on the science of digestion. Lastly we share a delicious meal of traditionally prepared whole foods provided by our hosts.

  • Sunday November 10th 12-3pm
  • Vibrant Studios, 1532 SW Jefferson St. Portland, OR, 97201
  • $40 payable to Metta River

To register: email or phone 503-234-0325 more info at


*You must preregister for this event. Anne will be attending this event, but is not hosting or organizing it. This is something I am excited about and wanted to share with you.  Please contact Shawn directly at to reserve your spot.

Bone Broths Support Your Bones And Teeth

You may have heard me talk about (or seen the crock pot in the kitchen with) bone broths, also called continuous soup, or perpetual soup.


This is basically a chicken frame (bones n bits) covered in water and slow roasted in a crock pot.  I cook mine for a minimum of four days. You could certainly create a lovely and nourishing stock by cooking your bird for 24 hours.  There are a whole host of reasons why this is good for you to drink especially here in the Pacific Northwest in the winter.

According to traditional Chinese medicine, bone broth nourishes our kidneys and adrenal glands, which can become depleted when stressed. It also supports your chi and builds blood.
The minerals released from the long slow cooking process support healthy teeth, bones and skin. Just be sure to add a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar – thanks to my acupuncturist Danielle Melanson for this tip. The acid facilitates the extraction of minerals and nutrients from the bones into the soup. Add two tablespoons of vinegar per quart of water (for about 2 pounds of bones).
I make a batch of broth about once a week then sip on it, or use it to cook rice, steam veggies (save the broth and drink it – in the south this is called “pot liquor”) or start a pot of soup. Toss in some leftover chicken and veggies, maybe a little rice or quinoa, and you have a fast healthy dinner.
What are your favorite winter warming foods?


Anne McCranie is a Portland, Oregon based Personal Trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist. She enjoys eating, talking about, and sharing good food. The above information is intended to spark your interest in new food. Please see your medical professional for specific dietary advice.

8 Fat Free Foods You Should Avoid

If you are trying to loose weight you may think that fat free foods are “healthier” and will aid in weight loss. Not according to the latest research. This article from Women’s Day suggests fat free foods are often loaded with chemicals and may cause sugar cravings and weight gain. When fat is removed from foods something must be added to give the foods a nice flavor and texture, usually sugar, salt and in the case of fat free chips fat-mimicking chemicals that can cause intestinal cramps, gas and diarrhea. Yuck.

I suggest you avoid the fat free versions of the following: salad dressing, peanut butter, dairy (milk, yogurt, ice cream), packaged cookies and chips and frozen meals.

Let’s look at salad dressings. Researchers from Purdue University found that while fat-free dressings are lower in calories than fat-based dressings, they block absorption of fruits’ and veggies’ nutrients, while dressings made with monounsaturated fats (from olive oil for instance) boosted the absorption of the veggies’ nutrients.

To make a quick and easy dressing at home whip together one crushed garlic clove, a few tablespoons of olive oil, one tablespoon of vinegar or lemon juice, a teaspoon of dijon mustard, salt and pepper and a small handful of fresh herbs (I am a fan of thyme).


When shopping for nut butters, look for natural versions with no added sugar.

I like this raw almond butter from Trader Joe’s. The ingredient list – almonds.

How about fat free dairy? Again fat helps your body absorb nutrients and by taking out the fat something has to be added to keep the creamy consistency, usually sugars and stabilizers. I like full fat Greek yogurt because it is high in protein and low in sugar.

When it comes to snack foods like cookies, chips, frozen meals you are better off avoiding them altogether. If you are hit with a cookie craving look for ones with the least amount of ingredients (and you should be able to pronounce them). You will feel more satisfied with one or two cookies made from real ingredients than the dry tasteless fat free versions. When it comes to chips again look for a short ingredient list – corn and salt – and portion the amount you plan on eating in a bowl instead of snacking straight from the bag. Frozen meals can be useful in a pinch however they are loaded with salt. You are much better off preparing a large batch of food on the weekends and freezing individual serving sizes for later in the week. I do this with brown rice, beans, soups, meats, etc…

What are your favorite healthy eating tips?