Five A Day Challenge Starts May 1st!

How often do you eat 5 fruits and veggies in a day? Can you try this 21 day challenge with us?

Do you notice headlines that read “Eat this one vegetable for clear skin”, or “Mediterranean diet promotes longevity”, or “Drink this (or don’t drink this) to improve your sleep”? Then when you click on the article it is some variation of what we could all agree is a basic, healthy diet:

Eat mostly whole foods, include all the colors of the rainbow, go easy on the booze and caffeine, oh and call your mother. 🙂

While most of us know we should be eating our vegetables, we may have trouble actually doing it. You may be crunched for time, or your schedule may change at the last minute. Maybe you have a house full of picky eaters, you are bored with your recipes, or you just need a simple plan to follow.

If you’re looking for a common sense approach to how best to feed your body, I am here for YOU!

Our Five A Day Challenge starts May 1st. I’m not going to ask you to stop doing anything. This is not a cleanse. I will ask you to eat vegetables, lots of them. And a little fruit. That’s it. Simple, but not always easy.

Each week I will email you suggestions and tips (like how to make a super fast, healthy dinner, or how to approach feeding a picky eater, and what you can do on Sunday to set yourself up for success during the week) along with a short video. I even have two spots available for the super deluxe option. I prep veggies and bring them to your house! I will do everything except shove fresh produce in your mouth!

Five A Day Challenge

  • Who: You!
  • What: 21 day challenge. Eat 5 fruits and veggies each day.
  • When: May 1st – May 21, 2020.
  • Where: Anywhere! You receive weekly email support from me. If you are local to Portland, please come to our in person wrap party Saturday the 22nd.
  • Why: Create a domino effect of healthy habits when you start your day with fresh produce! By improving your diet you may experience: vibrant health, more energy, better poops, clear skin, and improved sleep.

How much:

Option #1: Weekly emails, including recipes, nutrition tips, and a video of yours truly outlining that week’s challenge, (Do smoothies count? Can all my 5 be fruit? How do I get my family on board?) Order this $21 option below.

Option #2: Weekly emails, plus produce brought straight to your door on Sundays. I set you up for a successful week, by pre-chopping, and portioning a salad, a cooked veg, and a fruit option. Order this $210 option by calling or emailing me (only two spots available so please email/call me today if this is your choice).

Update – this challenge is now closed. Thanks all of you who participated!

If you would like to join Fluid’s nutrition programs in the future, please use the box over there to the right to sign up for our newsletter, or email me directly.

Call (503) 705-4762 or Email and for additional information.

Update – support is flowing in from local businesses! Thanks so much!!!

Who am I to tell you what to eat?

I’m Anne McCranie – a Portland based personal Trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist. I have completed a nutrition training program through Precision Nutrition, and I love to talk about, cook, and eat delicious food.

Looking to add more veggies to your diet? This plan is for you! Want to lose a few pounds, or get your diet back on track? Sign up!

If you suffer from physical or emotional disorders, like uncontrolled blood pressure, or disordered eating, and changing your diet would negatively impact your health, this plan is not suitable for you right now. Please see your medical professional prior to beginning a new exercise or diet plan.

Body Image Issues And Why I Stopped Doing Fitness Testing

Recently one of my ladies brought up this study, which led to a conversation about body image during Pilates class. We (I include myself) are a chatty bunch and I do my best to keep my group focused and moving, while allowing them to socialize and have a few laughs. If things get to out of control I throw the hundreds/ criss cross/ scissors combo at them and the room gets real quiet real quick.

Back to the study, which showed that sixty seconds of exposure to either a “plus size” or a skinny model can affect our perception of beauty. See a bigger person and bigger people are more attractive to you. See a skinny model and skinny starts looking good (I am paraphrasing, follow the link above to watch the three minute video). Being aware of how the images we see can affect our perception of beauty may help us (and our daughters) develop a healthy body image.

My legs are strong vs. my butt is jiggly.

As a personal trainer I help my clients establish goals to track their progress. “I want to feel better” is vague. “I want to to fit into this pair of pants by August” is specific and measurable. Prior to 2012 I took all of my clients through fitness tests that included push ups, sit ups and a waist measurement. In 2012 I stopped doing these.

anne waist measurement

Here’s why: My clients had been complaining about the push ups (I nodded, smiled and ignored these complaints) but when they complained about the waist measurements I started asking questions. I found out these tests were not being viewed, as I had hoped, as a benchmark for success. They just made my ladies feel bad about themselves and dread test day – who needs that?

While I have not quit doing these entirely, the tests are no longer standard practice. When a new client comes in we discuss her health history, establish her goals, and our plan of action. When it is appropriate I will offer certain strength and cardio tests which may include stairs, a plank hold or push ups, wall sits or squats, and – if they request it – a waist measurement.

Val Squat 2.13

I want my clients to feel successful. This “success” varies depending each client and each session. One day they may push their limits, cursing and sweating through a grueling workout, the next session may include quiet release work done lying on the floor (which can be just as challenging in a different way).

When my clients leave feeling positive about their bodies I feel successful.

How do you feel about body image and fitness? Let me know in the comments below.


Anne McCranie is a Portland, Oregon based personal trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist. She works with her clients one on one and in small groups using a combination of movement + massage to aid in pain relief, stress relief and improve muscle and joint function. Contact her today for your complimentary consultation.

Three Tips For Healthy Weight Loss

Looking to shape up for spring? Try these three weight loss tips:

  1. Follow the 80/20 rule. 80% healthy foods, 20% fun. It is a lot easier to sustain a healthy diet if you know you have a cocktail or sweet treat waiting for you at the end of the week. No need to give up your favorite foods entirely, in fact if you allow yourself the occasional indulgence you will feel less deprived and be more likely to stick to a healthy eating plan.
  2. Replace “I have to” with “I choose to”. No one is holding a gun to your head and telling you to eat a salad. What is your goal? Smaller pant size, toned arms, having the same amount of energy you did in your 20’s? Keep your end result in mind when choosing what you eat, how you spend your time (and who you spend your time with).
  3. Get plenty of sleep. Studies show that those who sleep less often weigh more. While every body is different most adults need 7-9 hours of sleep a night. Trouble sleeping? Try going to bed at the same time each night, limit booze and caffeine, especially right before bed. Turn lights (including electronics) down in the evening to let your brain know you are about to snooze.

What tips have you used to reach your fitness or weight loss goals?


Anne McCranie is a Portland Oregon based Personal Trainer and Licensed Massage Therapist. She works with her clients one on one and in small groups utilizing a combination of Movement + Massage to help them reach their fitness goals. Need help establishing or sticking to your plan? Contact her today for a free consultation (503) 705-4762

F.I.T. Functional Interval Training Class This Friday at 9 am

Are you off this week? Come on down to FIT Class Friday at 9 am at Sellwood Yoga’s Align Fitness Studio.




The hour will fly by as we start with Pam’s signature warm up, followed by quick one minute intervals using weights, bands, kettlebells and our own body weight (think lunge rows, burpies, squat kicks..). We finish with core work (of course) and long luxurious stretches for your hips, shoulders, back and legs.  A fun and fast workout that will leave you feeling sweaty, strong and stretched!

Who: You

What: FIT Class – cardio and strength intervals

When: Friday March 29th, 9 am to 10 am

Where: Align Fitness Studio *(see note below)

Why: To look and feel your best!


Preregister for class here:

This is a one time gig for me not a regular class that I teach. I am subbing for Pam who is on vacation this week.


About Align Fitness studio: This is the newly opened sister studio to Sellwood Yoga. It is located upstairs in the same building as the bike shop, Sellwood Cycle Repair. You enter the building through a door on North Side using a key code. (If you stand on the southwest corner of 13th and Miller and turn around and look back at the big brick red colored building behind you it is the door on the right).


Call Anne for the code or with any questions about the class (503) 705-4762.

Happy New Year! Five Tips For Goal Setting

Happy 2013 to you and your family!

What are your health and fitness goals for this year? Here are a few tips to get you where you want to be:

1. Look at the big picture. What is it you want to accomplish this year and how will you feel when you meet your goals? When you start to veer off track keep your big picture in mind.

2. Set specific, realistic goals. “I’m never eating dessert again” feels a lot different than saying “I am going to limit my sweets to a small portion of my favorite dessert once a week”.

3. Speak in the present tense. I am healthy, I feel energized, I surround myself with positive, loving people. By saying “One day I will be this way…” you are keeping your goal at arms length. Visualize yourself as this new and improved person.

4. Reward yourself. Make it to all of your workouts this week? Get yourself a pedi, or meet a friend for a movie.

5. Focus on what you can control. While you may not be able to magically move the number on the scale or instantly lower your stress level, you can control the foods you eat, the people your surround yourself with, your activity level, and your self talk.

Need help setting your 2013 goals? Contact Anne today for a little push in the right direction.


Anne McCranie is a Portland, Oregon based personal trainer and massage therapist. She can be reached at (503) 705-4762 or