Six Tips For Healthy Winter Skin

Six Tips For Healthy Winter Skin

  • Avoid super hot baths. Long hot showers or baths can dry out your skin.  Shorten your bath time, or try ending your shower with a shot of cold water.  This hot and cold contrast helps to boost your immune system.
  • Hydrate! After your bath slather on shea butter or jojoba oil.  I primarily use jojoba in my massage treatments.  It is suitable even for sensitive or oily skin.  Drink up! – water I mean.  Aim for half your body weight in ounces of water each day.  (So 70 ounces of water per day for a 140 pound person).
  • Feed your skin. Eat foods high in heart-healthy oils like avocados and walnuts to lubricate you from the inside out.
  • Buy a humidifier.  I know here in the rainy Northwest we get plenty of “moisture” but indoor heat dries out your skin and nasal passages.  Humidifiers send small molecules of moisture into the air, which helps to prevent and relieve dry skin.
  • Exfoliate. Dry Brushing is one of the easiest ways to slough off dead skin cells and improve your skin’s texture as well as encourage lymph flow which boosts your immune system.  Start with your hands and feet and move up your arms and legs brushing towards your heart.  I am happy to show you how to do this at your next massage appointment.
  • Get a Massage! I receive at least one massage a month.  This not only reminds me of how good my body can feel, but is part of my health maintenance plan.  Massage increases circulation, improves lymph flow, stimulates nerve endings and leaves your skin with a rosy glow.