Don’t worry we’re not sawing anyone in half, or pulling a rabbit out of a hat, or making a bird disappear. Although if you come to this workshop your pain could disappear!
Are you looking to soften tight muscles? Would you like to improve your hip and shoulder mobility? Do you spend hours a day seated in front of a computer or looking down at your phone?
Take yourself through this 60 minute workshop and you will address every major muscle group from your head to your feet! You’ll feel relaxed, energized, and stretched. The recording is available here, so that you can work through these moves at your own pace. Do the whole video all at once, or pick out one or two exercises to work on each day.
Learn the magic of the foam roller!
- What: 60 minute foam roller workshop.
- When: Watch the recording at your leisure!
- How: Click here to purchase the workshop recording.
- Why: Reduce tightness, improve mobility, strength, and balance.
- How much: $20

We follow my trademarked R.O.S.S. method – release, organize, strengthen and stretch. To be most successful, you will need a 36 inch, round roller, and be able to easily get up and down from the floor.
This is not a sweaty “workout”, but a movement exploration. You may go at your own pace, and I offer variations, so you can chose the best level for you today.

- We start with release work, warming up and loosening tight muscles, and facilitating your mind body connection. This is where we will spend the majority of our time today. Juicing up soft tissue, breathing, relaxing.
- Next up – stabilization and organization to connect to your smaller muscles, and prep you for larger movements.
- Our short strength program includes a handful of upper and lower body exercises. You learn your most efficient way to accomplish daily activities, like getting up out of a chair.
- Lastly stretching, and mobilization to help you feel length from your head to your toes.

You will leave feeling relaxed, refreshed, and like you did just the right balance of mobility and strength.
Not sure if this workshop is right for you right now? Give me a call (503) 705-4762.
Click here to purchase this workshop recording today!