- Who: YOU (and your feet)
- What: 45 minute foot massage, strength, and mobility
- When: Saturday March 16th at noon (Pacific)
- Where: On Zoom
- Why: Improve your balance, do something loving and caring for yourself that feels really good!
Can you easily spread and wiggle your toes?
Do you suffer from foot pain, plantar fasciitis, bunions, or hammer toes?
Join us on Zoom Saturday March 16th at noon Pacific and learn an easy-to-follow foot strength and mobility program you can do at home with minimal equipment.
We will work from noon to 12:45. I guide you through a quick foot anatomy lesson, a foot massage program, foot and ankle exercises and stretches, and we’ll test our balance.
Your feet will feel fantastic, and you’ll have learned self-care techniques you can use anytime, anywhere!
You won’t need any special equipment, but if you have a couple of towels, a tennis ball, and a dining chair, please have these handy.

My focus for 2024 is BALANCE.
What do healthy feet have to do with balance? If you have strong, flexible feet and ankles, you are better able to balance, and less likely to fall.
Big toe mobility plays a role in a healthy walking gait. If your big toe is tight or you suffer from bunions, you may have a less efficient gait (walking pattern).
While you may think there’s nothing you can do, or that your bunions or hammer toes are hereditary, I’m here to tell you that you CAN make positive changes in your feet.
Join us for this interactive workshop and learn how to take care of your feet so they can take care of you!