Can you sit with me, right now, for 7 minutes and meditate on kindness for yourself and others?
November Gratitude Experience Starts Soon!
Join us as we practice expressing gratitude!
Would you like improved sleep, healthier skin, lowered blood pressure, and stronger relationships? All these are proven benefits of a consistent gratitude practice!
When times are tough, it’s easy to get stuck in a loop of self pity. When you fill your brain and your heart with gratitude, when you truly appreciate all the things, small and large, that you have to be thankful for, something magical happens!
Don’t believe me? Try this experiment with us for 5 days, then let me know how you feel.
- What: Gratitude Experience
- When: Five days – Sunday November 21st through Thursday November 25th (that’s Thanksgiving)
- Where: Online
- Why: Improve your outlook to improve your experience
- Who: YOU!
- How: Email me at and I will add you to our list. You receive one video prompt from me each day (like this short video below).
We kick off our challenge with a guided meditation Saturday November 20th at 11:30 am Portland Oregon time.
Here’s the zoom link:
Topic: LIVE Gratitude Meditation
Time: Nov 20, 2021 11:30 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 881 3223 0829
Passcode: 202070
On Saturday we will outline what you can expect over the next five days. Each day, Sunday through Thursday, you will receive an email with a short guided meditation video from me with a theme (people, pets, nature…).
You decide how you want to express your gratitude. You may sit and meditate, journal privately, write actual paper thank you notes and mail them (yes – like in an envelope with a stamp), send a text or email, or call your special people on the phone. You get to decide what is best for you.
My hope is that on turkey day you will express gratitude to some of your favorite people in person (and if you’re not doing in person Thanksgiving this year, you can always call me and tell me how much you appreciate me!).
That’s it!
- Watch a short video
- Sit with me for 5 minutes each day
- Express your gratitude in the way you chose
Money back guarantee if you don’t feel better by the end of this! (I’m kidding, the challenge is free).
Fill out the form below and I’ll add you to our gratitude list!
Gratitude Experience
*FREE* Guided Meditation Saturday January 23rd at 11 am
Join us this Saturday at 11, as we practice our circular breath.
Focusing your attention on your breath has been shown to lower blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety, and provide a sense of calm.
Please use my phone number as the meeting ID: 5037054762
Call or email me if you have any questions.

Those of you who have attended our yoga, Barre, Pilates or Energy Flow classes this month have experienced a short version of this meditation. This Saturday we will do a 20-30 minute variation.
Things seem extraordinary, novel, chaotic and out of control right now. One idea that is bringing me some peace is that we have gone through this before, and we made it!
The flu pandemic from 100 years ago, changes in political leaders, even violence and unrest in our town. While this feels catastrophic right now, could this be a loop that has happened before and will happen again? You know, time is a flat circle, reincarnation, deja vu. Even if none of these concepts resonate with you, would you be willing to sit with us for 20-30 minutes (or however long you like) and focus on your breath?
When the world feels out of control, your breath is one thing you do have control over.
I record these (audio only) so you may tune in with your video on or off, and you may mute yourself if you like.
Here are a few of our past meditations:
YOU Are Invited To Join Our September Challenge 2019!
How are you doing with self care lately? Want to improve your sleep, get your diet back on track, or fine tune your fall exercise plan? The September Challenge is for you!
To hold your spot you must register by September 1st. Call (503) 705-4762, email, or message me using the box below. Please tell me what you are currently doing for self care, and what one thing you would like to improve? Don’t know the answer to these questions? Just email me and say “I want to take part in the challenge” and I will get right back to you (more details below…)
[contact-form][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” required=”1″][/contact-form]
September Challenge Details:
- Who: YOU! And your people who want to be happier, healthier, and more connected to friends and family.
- What: 30 day, self-directed, reset program. Recommit to taking good care of yourself by fine tuning your movement, getting quality rest, feeding yourself delicious, healthy meals, and strengthening your connections with others.
- When: Sunday September 8th to Monday October 7th
- Where: Anywhere! You complete the program online.
- Why: So you can look and feel your best!
- How do I sign up? Call Anne today at (503)-705-4762.
- Do I need to live in Portland to participate?
Nope, the challenge is communicated via email. In fact, I encourage you invite your out of town friends/ family. - Do I need any special equipment? You will need some type of hand weights. I am happy to supply you with any gear you need.
Contact Anne to sign up today!
(503) 705-4762