“Anne, you saved my life!” This was the first thing one of my clients said at the start or our Monday 6 pm yoga class.
He told a story about being out in the middle of nowhere, falling and not being able to get up. I believe his exact words were, “I’m screwed.” He then remembered some of the ways we have practiced going from the floor to standing, and was able to regain his composure, and figure out how to stand up (and not be bear food).

I know the old commercials where the little old lady says “I’ve fallen and I cant get up” were funny, but seriously, unless you have fallen and not been able to get up off the floor, you may not realize how terrifying this is, especially if you are alone.

My client is active, he loves to be outdoors, fishing and golfing. He’s been coming to our yoga class for several years. Occasionally his low back flares up and he does a few one-on-ones with me. He sees the value in strengthening, stretching, and mobilizing his spine, as this helps him stay out of pain, and allows him to do the things he loves.

After class I asked him if I could write a post about his story and he sent this email along with some photos from his trip:
“Hey Anne; A little story about my fall fishing trip:
My favorite fly fishing spot is the Firehole River in Yellowstone National Park.
This September I was fishing on kind of marshy, soft and mucky ground. Standing half in the water and half on the land tying on a new fly I lost footing and fell onto the bank. Initially on my back and side I could not get up, and after a number of minutes felt I might be screwed. Then a vision crossed my mind of Anne demonstrating a yoga standing move, butt in the air walking one’s hands towards ones feet. I managed to get on all fours, walked my hands backward and I stood upright.
Funny how things intersect and of course Anne is a hero.”
If you struggle with your balance or mobility, or feel you’re no longer able to do the things you used to do, our Monday yoga class is for you! We start with mobility work, incorporate a few standing strength and balance exercises, then the last half of the class is devoted to stretching. This is a great stress reducer, and a fantastic start to your week.
Still not sure if this is for you? Reach out to me and I’ll send you the code to try your first class for free.
(503) 705-4762