Anne is here for you during this stressful time!!
Thank you all so much for your flexibility and resilience! You have done an excellent job transitioning to Zoom for classes and personal training. To get the latest information on weekly classes, stress management tips, recipes, and other goings on in the land of Fluid please sign up for my !
Weekly Zoom Classes
Take your pick form Yoga, Pilates, Energy Flow, Barre, and R.O.S.S. classes in the comfort of your own home. You can see and hear me, and all the people in class (and their pets, did I mention the pets?). $15 to “drop in”, or $120 for ten classes. Some classes are sliding scale, so you can pay what you are able to right now. Sign up at Dance With Joy’s website.
The Five
All 12 months are now available for purchase. These are $5 each. If you are not interested in signing up for Vimeo I also have these available on a little stick that I can mail to you.
I plan on adding more live and recoded videos over the coming weeks. If you’d like to support my efforts you may donate to the cause here.
About Fluid Movement + Massage
I work with my clients one-on-one and in small groups using a combination of movement + massage to aid in pain relief, increase joint mobility, build muscular strength, and reduce stress. Clients receive the most benefit from taking advantage of my signature combination of Movement + Massage.
Meet with me for private strength training sessions, Pilates, Yoga, or Energy Flow classes, massage therapy, or a combination of all of these:
- Build strength
- Reduce stress
- Increase flexibility
- Improve balance
- Lose weight (or improve body composition*)
- Improve sleep (fall asleep easier and wake feeling rested)
Just starting out?
Together we will establish a plan that will get you looking and feeling your best. Start with some face time with me then get moving with an exercise program that is safe, effective and fun. One-on-one sessions, couples training, small group classes – what bests suits you?
- Personal Training
- Massage Therapy
- Weekly Classes
- Movement + Massage
Get started by setting up your initial consultation!
Call me at 503-705-4762 or contact me.