Quick update since I posted this – I’ve contacted Kate and she has agreed to be our next interviewee!!! Log into Zoom this Saturday August 22nd at noon as we chat live with Kate! Use this ID: 5037054762.
Apparently the theme for me this week is communication. On Tuesday I watched an excellent PSU lunch and learn webinar with Leeza Steindorf, on Nonviolent Communication. Then today I came across Kate Hanley’s podcast How To Be A Better Person, and the episode – Confrontation Nation: We Can’t All Be Right. The common thread I noticed was being curious, and letting go of the idea that one of us is right and one of us is wrong.

Have you had a conversation with someone who disagreed with you, and if so how did it go? Were you listening to understand, or waiting for your turn to speak (or yell!) at the person?
While I have yet to master these concepts, I truly believe in their power, and am continuing to practice using them to help me improve my communication skills.
This week I challenge you to think of someone you have a difficult time communicating with. Can you put yourself in this person’s shoes, to see where they are coming from, hear them, and feel what they are feeling? Message me if you would like a practice buddy.

If you’d like the PSU NVC webinar slides, email me and I will send you the file. anne@fluidportland.com
Anne McCranie is a Portland (Sellwood) Oregon based personal trainer and licensed massage therapist. She wants to to be happy and healthy! Her motto for Fluid Fit Club is “Creating A Culture Of Healthy Movement” and she invites YOU along on this journey!