Fluid December Deals Week Three – Home Exercise Program And Equipment

Home exercise program and equipment. $75


Let’s face it, I’m a minimalist. Especially when it comes to fitness equipment. While I have been known to pull out multiple props during class (foam rollers, magic circles, blocks, straps, bands, tennis balls…) we often do an intense (and fun) workout using minimal or no equipment. One of my favorite toys is the Swiss Ball. You can use it for strength and core work – think squats, help with your standing balance poses like Warrior II, and for relaxation and flexibility work with back bends and restorative poses. An exercise band slips easily into your suitcase for workouts on the go. With these two tools you can get an effective workout in minutes a day.


ball and band 12.13

This package includes:

  • Swiss ball
  • exercise band
  • sixty minute strength session with Anne
  • home exercise program

You will meet with Anne here in her Sellwood studio and go through a personalized exercise program. Leave feeling longer and stronger and with a list and explanation of the exercises we did. With your ball, band and program you can continue your work at home.

*fine print: You may purchase this for yourself of give it as a gift. One deal per person. You have one year to use your training session with Anne. You must contact Anne by Monday December 23rd to take advantage of this offer.