The Farmer’s Market is back! Wednesdays, from 2-6 pm. Still near Wilhelm’s, this year they have moved one block north on SE 14th Avenue between SE Glenwood St & SE Claybourne. Click here to read the market’s safety guidelines. You may walk up and shop – treat this shopping experience as if you are at the grocery store, no sampling, no hanging around, get your veggies and move along buddy! You also have the opportunity to preorder and pick up via the drive thru. Is anybody else cracking up that they have made a healthy drive thru? I love it!
I have been getting out and about a little more, and here are my top picks this week:

Reed Canyon. Looking for a quiet, in town nature walk where you may see birds, otters, or salmon? Reed has posted signage directing everyone to move in one direction around the creek, and to stay far away from each other. I was there Tuesday at 5 and it felt safe, and not too crowded.
Westmoreland park is another good choice, with wide walking paths and plenty of space.

Now, back to yummy food. We’ve mostly been hitting up the food carts on the weekend, (I can only eat my own cooking for so long) this feels like a safe way to support local businesses. I just found out that my favorite gumbo cart, Matt and Memere’s, has moved over to 35th and Powell in a pod where the old Original Taco House was (and right next door to DiNicola’s) so if your crowd can’t decide what to eat, you’ve got your choice of gumbo, gyros, fried chicken and jojos, or spaghetti and meatballs all at one location!
Eric was super excited to see Laughing Planet on Woodstock has reopened. They have their quarantine game down! You place you order and pre-pay online. They have tables set up just inside the door with your bag stapled shut, clearly labeled with your name, and a receipt taped to the outside showing the exact contents of the bag. You grab your food and head out the other door. I didn’t come within sneezing distance of another human the whole time. So if you are looking for a healthier option for burritos, bowls, and salads check them out (I usually pick the daily special and have never been disappointed).
I hope that you are doing what you feel is best for you and your family right now. If that means hunkering down at home, you have made the right choice. If you feel comfortable exercising outdoors, you have made the right choice. If you feel safer wearing a mask while doing so please do.
And lastly, these are my top pics based on where I went in the past week or so, not paid endorsements. I have no connection to these businesses, other than I like their food and their people, and wanted to share these places with you. If you have favorite places you’ve been going to lift your spirits, I’d love to hear about your quarantine adventures!