The July Five Exercises

Your July Five exercises:

  • Pelvic Clock
  • Bird Dog
  • Farmer’s Carry
  • Med Ball Push Up
  • Chest Stretch

Click here to watch the July Five video.

The order of these exercises is based on my trademarked R.O.S.S. protocol (Release, Organize, Strengthen and then Stretch) for pain free, economical movement.

Do this as a standalone strength and mobility workout by watching the video and following along with me or use this 9 minute series as a warmup prior to your next hike, bike, or swim.

To get the most out of these exercises please listen carefully to my cueing (especially while doing pelvic clock and bird dog).

I’m super excited to share this month’s farmer’s carry exercise with you!

I have some friends who are literal farmers and the husband recently told me a story about how he was proud of his wife. They were at a feed store and the employee thought the bag of feed they bought was too heavy for him to roll out to the truck using a hand cart. My friend’s bad ass, farm strong wife took one look at the 50lb bag, hoisted it over her shoulder and carried it out into the parking lot.

While you may not be working on a farm, or doing heavy manual labor this summer, let me ask you this – how much does your suitcase weigh? Or your dog? If they pack the box heavy at Costco, would you feel confident lifting it out of the cart and into your trunk?

Do you have the shoulder, back, core, and leg strength to pick up and carry a heavy thing?

Could your core stabilize you enough to carry a heavy thing in one hand only?

If the answer is no, join us for our Wednesday 6 pm Pilates class on Zoom. We’re combining traditional Pilates exercises with these shoulder and core strength moves.


None of these exercises should hurt. YOU are in charge of taking good care of you. If you feel pain, stop immediately. Please see your medical professional prior to beginning a new exercise program.

Low Back Pain Relief Case Study – My Mom!

Do you suffer from low back pain?

Are you fearful of movements like bending or twisting?

How would it feel to reconnect with your body, build strength and mobility, eliminate your fear of movement, reduce your pain, and enjoy moving again?

Give me a call today to discuss what’s going on with your body, and how I can help.

(503) 705-4762

Here’s the story of Claire, my sweet mommy. She is in her 70’s, lives in Florida, her and her husband keep a year round garden (collards in the winter, in April she already had waist high tomato plants). She loves to putter around the yard. She exercises just about every day, rocking out to her 50’s cassette tapes in the spare bedroom, and walking along the river with her husband. She is active, vibrant, and loves being outside.

Look how cute she is!

Recently, she was suffering from back pain so bad that she was unable to do the things she loves. When I visited her this spring, and saw how stiff she was, I knew we had to do something right away.

We started with heat, massage, and abdominal breathing. Each day we did a few exercises, and/ or soft tissue work. As she started to feel better we added new moves, slowly working our way from tiny clamshells and bird dogs, to bridges, squats and plank variations. After two days she was feeling better, after two weeks she was pain free!

She was walking at her normal pace, and able to do her regular exercises (she was even able to get on her hands and knees to pull weeds!).

If this sounds like an experience you have had, or are having with your back, watch this video, and listen closely to my cueing.

Go slowly, do less than you think you can, breathe, rest, and be really sweet with yourself.

There is hope, even if you have been diagnosed with arthritis, or a disc issue. Whether you are trying to prevent surgery, or recovering from surgery, I am here for you.

If you’d like me to personally take you thru these exercises give me a call. (503) 705-4762

Together we will go through my trademarked R.O.S.S. protocol to safely get you out of pain, and get you moving again! There is a way out of chronic pain. Come with me to the land of relaxation, and making peace with your body.

From Claire:

I’m Claire, Anne’s Mom.

I have an area in my low back which gives me trouble about every 6 or 7 years when I do something stupid. I love to work in the yard and exercise. In early spring, there’s always a lot of yard work I want to tackle. In mid-February our weather was beautiful. I over-did it and ended up with some nasty low back pain. When Anne came for a visit in mid-April, my back was a little better, but I was still not able to exercise or do yardwork.

Anne massaged my back, applied heat, and showed me some exercises and stretches to help me. After a week and a half, I was much improved. A few days later I was just about pain free! In the last week I have been able to work in the yard 2 days with no problem. I’m continuing my back exercises, and plan to start back on my regular exercises soon.

Anne was a lifesaver. She knows her business and wants to help you.

Don’t stay in pain – give her a call!

Foam Rollers Have Arrived!

I ordered some more foam rollers and they arrived this week. Contact me if you would like one of your very own. I use mine daily to keep my back and core strong. You can also roll on it to alleviate tight muscles. My favorite low back stabilization program includes toe dips, bicycle legs, leg circles and dead bug. If you suffer from low back pain, this is one tool you definitely need in your toolbox.

Not sure what a foam roller is or what to do with it? Check out this video of yours truly demonstrating Pilates stabilization exercises.

Foam Rollers!

My foam roller order just arrived. Happy early Christmas to me! I have two up for grabs. If you are in need of a last minute Christmas present give me a call. I will even include a handy dandy workout program.

Don’t know what a foam roller is or what you would do with one?  Check out this video of yours truly demonstrating Pilates stabilization exercises.



This is an excellent tool for strengthening your core and relieving low back pain.  I can even show you some tricked out moves you can do standing on the roller – believe it!